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Patient Recruitment Services

We accelerate and streamline patient recruitment for clinical trials. Meet your targets with tools and services designed by clinical research professionals to improve marketing, enrollment, and engagement throughout the trial life cycle.

Recruit Faster

Marketing, pre-qualifying questionnaires, and recruitment teams to save research sites time and energy.

Attract Diversity

We increase outreach to impact diverse populations so that all communities can benefit from scientific advances.

Retain More

Automate tasks associated with tracking the patient throughout the clinical trial process, from pre-screening to study closeout.

We speed up the pace of patient enrollment for almost all conditions. Move forward faster and find the patients you need to get your trial completed. Our customizable tools are designed and supported by clinical research professionals who understand the challenges of today’s studies.

Let us show you how we can help!

Advertisement Strategy

Accelerate Recruitment has a team of experienced marketing coordinators, patient recruitment specialists, and developers to design your custom recruitment campaign. We assess your trial needs and create an advertising campaign and landing page to attract a diverse audience.

We also put together the IRB package, so all you need to do is let us know when to rev our engines and start recruiting!

Ad channels Accelerate can advertise to: Youtube, meta, snapchat, google, Reddit, Bing, Hulu, X

Pre-Screener Technology

A game-changer for research sites. With this technology, sites save valuable time and resources by receiving high quality referrals that meet your study’s criteria, as well as the reasons for people not qualifying. Our forms are designed specifically for research purposes and come equipped with location tool, BMI calculator, and alignment with I/E criteria.

Ad channels Accelerate can advertise to: Youtube, meta, snapchat, google, Reddit, Bing, Hulu, X


TruView is a web-based platform for clinical trial patient engagement and recruitment. It securely connects study sponsors and coordinators, streamlining patient flow from referral to close-out. TruView also offers automation features and a dedicated phone number for managing calls and texts across multiple users.

Find out how TruView saves, on average, 3.5 hours per study, per recruiter, per site, per day. Schedule a demo call today and see this new tool in action before you hear about it from your colleagues!

Ad channels Accelerate can advertise to: Youtube, meta, snapchat, google, Reddit, Bing, Hulu, X

Secondary Screening

TruView also does a great job of identifying sites that need extra help. Our recruiters can work with you to help these sites to identify delays and boost performance to meet your expectations. Our Secondary Screening team can conduct and track telephone screening calls, scheduling and follow-up on behalf of the sites. This extra level of support helps alleviate the burden of recruiting subjects and ensures a quicker recruitment process.

Ad channels Accelerate can advertise to: Youtube, meta, snapchat, google, Reddit, Bing, Hulu, X

Schedule a Demo

Learn how to recruit faster, attract diversity, and retain more with Accelerate Recruitment.

Please choose a date and time that works for you to schedule a no-obligation demo with our executive team. We look forward to speaking with you soon!