
A New Research Study is available in your area

Do you have Hypertension and a history or high risk of Cardiovascular Disease ?

Learn about a no-cost, new investigational medication to reduce high blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Are you at high risk of developing Cardiovascular Disease due to Hypertension?

Hypertension affects 30-45% of adults and is strongly associated with the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD), including stroke, heart failure and heart attack1. High blood pressure often has no symptoms, but over time it increases the risk of CVD and other serious health problems. Lifestyle changes like following a healthy diet, increasing exercise and quitting smoking can help to reduce blood pressure, as well as taking daily medications for high blood pressure.

If you have a history of cardiovascular disease or are at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease, are currently taking 2-4 antihypertensive medications, and still experience high blood pressure, you may qualify for a worldwide research study of a new investigational add-on therapy administered by a single injection, that can potentially reduce blood pressure for up to six months.

If you meet the criteria and choose to participate, you will receive study-related care, including physical exams, laboratory tests, and ECGs, at no cost.


  • Are 18 years of age or older
  • Have a history of cardiovascular disease or are at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease
  • Have high blood pressure not adequately controlled with 2-4 antihypertensive medications
  • Are not pregnant or breastfeeding

About the Study

The development of new medications to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) due to uncontrolled hypertension are critically important. Many blood pressure medications that are currently available have limited long-term effectiveness, need to be taken daily, and patients often struggle to take their medications as prescribed. This clinical trial aims to offer a potential solution to improve health outcomes in patients with CVD or at high cardiovascular risk with uncontrolled hypertension despite treatment with 2-4 antihypertensive medications.

The research study involves an investigational medication that potentially provides sustained blood pressure reduction. It is an add-on medication administered as a single subcutaneous injection over a 6-month period, followed by a 6-month period of observation. The study will take approximately 14 months to complete, and it includes trial-related medical examinations, ECGs, laboratory work, monitoring and assessments conducted by medical investigators.

If you have a history of cardiovascular disease or are at high risk due to uncontrolled hypertension and want to have access to a new medication that may help to reduce blood pressure, this study may be right for you. There will be no cost associated with participation in the trial and you may also receive reimbursement for your time and travel to participate.

Are You Eligible?


If you have hypertension and a history of cardiovascular disease or are at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease, you may qualify for a new research study, now being offered at select centers worldwide. The study is for an investigational study treatment designed to reduce high blood pressure.

No-cost Study Care

You will receive study-related care from experienced doctors, nurses, and research staff.


The study will include physical examinations, laboratory work, and other examination visits with a trained investigator.


You might be eligible to receive reimbursement for your time and travel.

Chat With a Research Coordinator

Fill out the form below, and you will be advised if you are eligible or not. If you meet the initial screening criteria, you will be contacted by someone from a research location near you. If you do not meet the minimum criteria, please still submit the form. The study criteria may change in the future, and you might become eligible later.

1 Olsen MH, Angell SY, Asma S, Boutouyrie P, Burger D, Chirinos JA, et al. A call to action and a lifecourse strategy to address the global burden of raised blood pressure on current and future generations: the Lancet Commission on hypertension. Lancet. 2016 Nov 26;388(10060):2665- 712.

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