
Do you experience symptoms of Major Depression?

Learn about a no cost, new investigational drug for symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder.

Do you experience symptoms of Major Depression?

Learn about a no cost, new investigational drug for symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder.

According to the World Health Organization, depression is ranked as the leading cause of disability worldwide. Current treatment options, including antidepressant medications, may take several weeks to become effective, have limited remission rates, and may not be effective for some patients.

If you are facing Major Depressive Disorder, you may qualify for a new clinical research study for the treatment of depressive symptoms of MDD. The treatment is a single daily dose of the investigational drug, completing assessments and wearing a watch-like device to collect data for biometrics.

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You or someone you care for may qualify If the below criteria are met:

  • Are Between the age of 18 and 65 (inclusive)
  • Have been Diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder
  • Are going through a current episode that has lasted at least 8 weeks
  • Have been on a stable dose of antidepressant medication for at least 8 weeks

There are additional criteria to participate. If you or someone you care for meets the above, fill out the pre-qualification form below and provide a research site location with your contact information.

About the Study

Major Depressive Disorder is characterized by the occurrence of one or more major depressive episodes, with an absence of manic, mixed or hypomanic episodes. It is a serious and often recurring medical condition with limited treatment options. Stress is hypothesized to play a role in depression, and this new study drug is a promising candidate for the clinical development of a novel mode of action on the brain axis that modulates stress and mood.

In this study, you will receive a once-daily dose of the investigational drug and wear a watch-like device. The clinical trial duration is 20 weeks and includes trial-related medical examinations, including eye exams, lab work, and assessments made by a medical investigator to study the effects of this potential treatment. All treatment and examinations are at no cost. You may receive compensation for transportation and time required to participate in the trial.


Why Participate?

Current treatment options have limited efficacy for many people and have uncomfortable side effects. Major depression is associated with the risk of suicide attempts, as well as coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes. There is a need for effective and well-tolerated treatment options.


No-cost Study Care

You will receive study-related care from experienced doctors, nurses, and research staff.



Receive, lab work, eye exam, urinalysis, ECG, clinical interviews, and visits with an investigator.



You might be eligible to receive compensation for your time and travel.

Fill out the form below to find out if you are eligible